The BidWizard has changed to make things easier for you.
We want your students to be well supplied and you, as an educator or business, to be able to do so within your budget.
In the end, we want you and your students to concentrate on making music.
So, to make these wants a reality, we have embedded the BidWizard into BrookMays.com to make your shopping experience more seamless and simple.
Don't have an account? No worries, we have you covered. Click the link below to create one and we can get started.
As you're shopping, instead of clicking "Add to Cart", click "Add to BidWizard" and this will add the items to your BidRequest.

During checkout, instead of clicking "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT", click "Checkout with BidWizard" and this will begin your BidRequest.

Upon checkout, your BidRequest will populate under your "My BidWizard" tab in your account. You can click the button below to go straight to your BidWizard page, or you can click "My Account" above and click "My BidWizard" in the left column.
Our BidWizards will immediately begin their magic and will contact you after receiving your BidRequest. They will give you the very best deal possible for your institution. Remember, we will contact you via e-mail to the e-mail address attached to your institutional account.

That's it! More simple, more streamlined, but still just as powerful. Put our BidWizards to work and begin your bid today!